Mobile devices for the integration of comfort subjects into the architectural designKênia Alves De PaulaThis paper begins with a discussion about the current situation of the architectural design teaching and learning. In this discussion the following points...
RTQ-R simplification proposalTelles, Carolina de PaulaThe residential energy consumption has been growing in recent years and, in Brazil, actions aimed at increasing energy efficiency in these buildings resulted...
Thermal effects of façade integrated photovoltaics on the energy performance of buildingsThiago Toledo Viana RodriguesBuilding Integrated Photovoltaic systems (BIPV) may be part of facade or building roof, so, the accumulated heat at the back of the panels can be dissipated...
Uncertainties and Sensitivity Analysis of Weather Files and their Impacts on Energy SimulationsÍtalo GuimarãesComputer simulation programs are currently considered the main tools for performing predictions...
Zoneamento climático do Semiárido Brasileiro baseado na clusterização hierárquica para conforto e desempenho termo energético de edificaçõesMariana Navarro BenevidesThe definition of climatic zones is characterized as an important tool for the planning of buildings adapted to the local climatic context. The...
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