Latecae offers support for the following courses:
Under graduation courses
ARQ 326 – Thermal comfort
Ementa: Thermal comfort. Thermal transfer. Psychrometry. Bioclimatology. Solar geometry. Thermal properties of enclosures. Ventilation. Urban climate. Performance based design.
Offered in the 1º semester of each year
ARQ 327 – Lighting
Ementa: Daylighting and visual comfort. Daylighting design. Transparent and translucid surfaces. Photometry. Lighting design. Daylight in urban areas. Performance based design. Building simulation approach.
Offered in the 2º semester of each year
ARQ 226 - Acoustics I
Ementa: Application of acoustics and the city. The idea of comfort in urban areas. Sound properties and urban environment. The effects of noise. Urban noise as urban pollution. Acoustic barriers. Standards for noise control. Geometric acoustics in the city.
Offered in the 2º semester of each year
ARQ 227 - Acoustics II
Ementa: Sound and noise. Sound properties. Acoustic standards. Geometric acoustics in rooms. Space typologies and the sound expression. Acoustics treatment and conditioning. Simulation in acoustics, software and auralization.
Offered in the 1º semester of each year
ARQ 228 - Performance evaluation
Concept of building performance design. NBR 15575. Energy performance and labeling. Sustainable mandatory and voluntary certifications and normative instructions. Decisions in building design.
Offered eventually in the 1º semester of each year
ARQ 324 - Local energy generation
Ementa: Brazilian energy overview. Solar energy: thermal and electricity. Wind energy. Biofuels, geothermic and other sources. Building integrated systems and the urban environment.
Offered eventually in the 1º semester of each year
ARQ 229 - Acoustic design
Introduction and review of sound properties. Architectural typologies and acoustic concepts. Treatment ann acoustics conditioning. Acoustics materials. Tr and adjustable acoustic. Demonstration of auralization software. Architectural acoustic design.
Offered eventually in the 1º semester of each year
ARQ 442 - Special topics: bioclimatic architecture design
Aims to support the student contest of bioclimatic design José Miguel Aroztegui
Offered eventually in the 1º semester of each year as Special Topics in Architecture and Urbanism
Graduation courses
ARQ 623 – Comportamento Ambiental da Construção e Meio Ambiente (Environmental behavior of buildings and natural environment)
ARQ 627 – Eficiência energética no ambiente construído (Energy efficiency in the built environment)
ARQ 628 – Simulação termo-energética e luminosa (Thermal, energy and daylighting simulation)