Comparative analysis of remote and in loco survey for public lighting projects
The current water crisis in Brazil shows us the importance of rational use of electricity, mainly in the public sector, which can lead to a potential decrease in costs through the efficiency of urban lighting among other actions. The efficiency in urban lighting does not occur only through the replacement of vapor lamps by LED luminaires sets, but also through the implementation of design and project methodologies focused on energy efficiency. The absence of methodological records in the literature about primary data collection for energy efficiency projects and design in public lighting, motivated this thesis which is dedicated to investigating this problem with the systematic objective of creating a new methodology of remote collection of primary data which could provide greater reliability, reduction of time and cost, as well as adaptability to a Smart Grid and a Smart Cities system. The universe of this research was established as the state of Minas Gerais – Brazil and the chosen sample field consists of 7 medium-sized cities and 7 small-sized cities, which came to be the cities of Ipatinga, Caratinga, Conselheiro Lafaiete, Viçosa, Ouro Branco, Ouro Preto, Teófilo Otoni, Iapu, Bugre, Ipaba, Inhapim, Itaverava, Ubaporanga and Santana do Paraíso. The work consisted of testing a remote methodology of data collection, through Google Earth, Google Street View and the strict observation of the technical standards NBR 5101 - 2018 – Iluminação Pública Procedimento (NBR 5101 - 2018 - Public Lighting Procedure) and CEMIG ND 2.1 - Instalações Básicas de Redes de Distribuição Aéreas Urbanas (CEMIG ND 2.1 - Basic Installations of Urban Air Distribution Networks), compared with a methodology of data collection on-site, done through personal visits to the actual sites for manual measurement with a metric scale and photographic survey. Those two described methodologies fed a simulation that finally compares the results obtained, tabulates them, evaluates the luminous performance in the DIALux software, and assures a greater level of reliability of this remote survey methodology when compared to the current methodologies. The results showed that there is a 76.8% compatibility between on-site and remote surveys. All sample data were released on the collaborative platform OpenStreetMap, where they are available, free of charge, for free access to service providers and managers in energy efficiency and urban lighting.
Keywords: Public lighting. Energy efficiency. Remote survey. Data collect.
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