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  • Multi-objective optimization of the dimensions of a dwelling building based in energy...

Multi-objective optimization of the dimensions of a dwelling building based in energy and structure simulation

Ligiana Pricila Guimarães Fonseca Vitor Dias Lopes Nunes Laila Oliveira Santana Joyce Correna Carlo Kléos Magalhães Lenz César Júnior

The development of computer technology in the past few decades led optimization associated with parameterization to develop designs that perform better, with or without the use of computer simulation. The purpose of this study was to apply this method to optimize the shape of a single family residential building with the goal of finding the design that presented the best thermal performance with the lowest cost of construction materials, considering structural constraints. The software Rhinoceros, Energy Plus and plug-ins for parametric modelling, information exchange between software and conduction of optimization were used in this study. Two simulations were performed, one considering the cost of construction materials and combined heating and cooling degree-hours, the second considering cost and heating degree-hour, which produced more relevant results. Two cases of each Pareto Front were selected for analysis, out of 19.8 thousand and 27.4 thousand cases obtained through evolutionary algorithms. Despite the limitations presented by some tools, the study demonstrated that there is great potential for implementation of this technology in the development of architectural projects.