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  • Limitations of ArchSim for simulation based optimization on residential energy labeling

Limitations of ArchSim for simulation based optimization on residential energy labeling

Ligiana Fonseca; Laila Santana; Joyce Carlo

Simulation-based optimization (SBO) is a present-day method used in the design of energy efficient buildings. It consists of stochastic optimization techniques associated to simulation, and parametrization can be incorporated to the process. The process produces multiple design alternatives and allows the selection of the ones that fit into the aimed objectives. The objective of this paper was to evaluate, Archsim, a plug-in that connects the software Rhinoceros/Grasshopper to EnergyPlus, from a point of view based on the design development. A SBO method based on the Technical Requirements of Quality of the Level of Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings (RTQ-R) was used. The work integrates a begineers scientific research activity to a master’sresearch project. Two models were created for tests: an emergency shelter and a multi-zone residential building. The evaluated version (Archsim presented limitations on the creation of complex shapes, on shape parameters of the multi-zone models, on setting of people loadings, on establishment of metabolic rates of occupants, and on the model of air conditioning recommended by RTQ-R. Some strategies were used to overcome limitations of Archsim. In conclusion, some improvements of the plug-in are necessary for its full implementation on labelling of residential buildings.